My heart is to come alongside and support you as you create healthy attachments with your child for their lifelong health. I am a mom and a grandma, ordained minister, and have worked in the medical field. I have studied Coaching, Active Parenting, and Marriage and Family Counselling. I have had the privilege of teaching parents and teachers throughout B.C. with Next Generation Ministries and at Columbia College. 


When I was studying a course in Marriage and Family Counselling at TWU, Dr. Ian Verseveldt was explaining that a young child has emotional milestones of TRUST and LOVE they need to meet (just like they have physical milestones) and unless a child reaches these milestones, they could suffer for all of their life. I felt the Spirit of God say 'parents need to know this and you need to tell them'. I am excited to share parenting 101 with you.   

Parenting 101 was created as an honor to my mother, Olive Kathleen (Consterdine) Dunton who lived until I was 8 years old, and who left me with many gentle memories and a strong faith; as an honor to my father Fred Dunton who was an amazing single parent after mom died; and as an honor to my kids who are all raising their kids well.    

I would also like to give credit to Mary Ann Hawkes who taught me as a young mom-to-be that 'motherhood isn't terminal'. 

The 'motherhood isn't terminal' idea was very important to me, and also formed a basis for parenting 101. Our culture pushes us to do everything and own everything all at once, leaving little time for our children. Children need all the time we can give them, and they need to connect to our heart and trust us or they will find it very difficult to trust God, and they will likely have difficulty with all their relationships, which is a very painful way to live. So the message is that parenting only lasts for awhile and it is worth doing well. If all goes well, after our children are grown we will have 20 to 50 years to pursue whatever we want; if all does not go well, as in the case of my mother, we will have done the most important thing well.

My prayer is that you will walk hand in hand with God on this adventure of connecting your child to your heart.


Per & Christine Knudsen

Per and I have 4 kids and 11 grandkids, and have been on the adventure of life together for 46 years. We are currently pastoring on beautiful Vancouver Island.

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